Mary Lu Ostrowski Award Recipients
This state level award is given to a state committee chair who has gone above and beyond the duties of the committee. The Board of Trustees or Chapter Representatives can nominate a Committee Chair for the award.
1995 – Betty Kronemeyer, CMA (AAMA)
1996 – Mary France Dunham, MT
1997 – Unknown
1998 – Unknown
1999 – Marjorie (Marge) Goldasich, CMA (AAMA)*
2000 – Charlotte Rubley, RN, CMA (AAMA)*
2002 – Sara Baer, CMA (AAMA), CPC
2003 – Unknown
2004 – Rose Hall, BS, RN, CMA-C (AAMA) *
2005 – Kathy Fischer, CMA (AAMA)
2006 – Mary Frances Burton, BA, CHA *
2007 – Charlotte Rubley, RN, CMA (AAMA)*
2008 – Elizabeth (Liz) Hasler, CMA (AAMA)
2010 – Donna Radzun, CMA (AAMA)
2011 – Rebecca (Becky) Cruse, CMA (AAMA)
2012 – Diane Mowrer, CMA (AAMA)
2016 - Patricia (Patti) Bean, CMA (AAMA)
2020 - Sharon Strutzenberg, MA, CMA (AAMA)
2023 - Rhonda Sandahl, RN, CMA (AAMA)
* Indicates Deceased Member
If year not listed, no award was granted
Life Member Award Recipients
The Life Member Award is reviewed and presented by the Life Member Committee. Chapter representatives and the Board of Trustees can nominate an active member for consideration by submitting detailed information, resume and other details to be considered.
Corrine I. Berg, CMA-AC (AAMA)*
Elvera Fischer, RN, CMA-A (AAMA) *
Geraldine (Gerry) Germain, CMA (AAMA)*
Ruby Jackson, CMA (AAMA)*
Leslie Lee*
Mary Lu Ostrowski, CMA (AAMA)*
Synobia (Snowie) Payne*
1979 – Magda Brown, CMA (AAMA) *
1986 – Pauline Klairch*
1992 – Betty Burkhart, CMA (AAMA)*
1995 – Stella Krystyniak, CMA (AAMA)*
1998 – Mary Frances Burton,BA, CHA *
1999 – Betty Kronemeyer, CMA (AAMA)
2000 – Jean Fouts, LPN, CMA (AAMA)*
2002 – Marjorie (Marge) Goldasich, CMA (AAMA)*
2004 – Cheryl Hutchinson, CMA (AAMA), CPC
2005 – Charoltte Rubley, RN, CMA (AAMA)*
2006 – Mary Frances Dunham, MT
2007 – Robin Bluestein, CMA-C (AAMA)*
2008 – A. Ruth Thompson, CMA (AAMA) *
2010 – Ehlma Garcia-Mendez, CMA (AAMA)*
2011 – Christine (Chris) Tondi, CMA (AAMA)
2012 – Sara Baer, CMA (AAMA),CPC
2016 - Patricia (Patti) Bean, CMA (AAMA)
2020 - Rebecca (Becky) Cruse, CMA (AAMA)
2023 - Diane Mower, CMA (AAMA)
* Indicates Deceased Member
If year not listed, no award was granted
Distinguished Service Award
The Distinguished Service Award is reviewed and presented by the DSA Committee to a member who has shown extraordinary actions or service in the medical assisting field. Chapter representatives and the Board of Trustees can nominate an active member for consideration by submitting detailed information, resume and other details to be considered.
Zelma Bechtol*
Corrine I. Berg, CMA-AC (AAMA)*
Jean Berschiniski-DeRuiter*
Janet Binkowski, RN
Robin Bluestein, CMA-C (AAMA) *
Magda Brown, CMA (AAMA) *
Mary Frances Burton, BA, CHA *
Anna Cannon, EMT-A*
Norma Dominic, LPN
Cissy Egly, CMA (AAMA)
Janet Ellsworth*
Elvera Fischer, RN, CMA-C (AAMA)
Kathy Fischer, CMA (AAMA)
Jean Fouts, LPN, CMA (AAMA)*
Ehlma Garcia Mendez, CMA (AAMA)*
Geraldine (Gerry) Germain, CMA (AAMA) *
Marjorie (Marge) Goldasich, CMA (AAMA)*
Ethyl Haase*
June Hall, CMA (AAMA)
Cheryl Hutchison, CMA (AAMA), CPC
Ruby Jackson, CMA (AAMA)*
Sue Karels*
Pauline Klarich*
Shirley Kleinschmidt, CMA-AC (AAMA)
Vivian Kraft, CMA-AC (AAMA) *
Betty Kronemeyer, CMA (AAMA)
Leslie Lee*
Synobia (Snowie) Payne*
Julie A. Rose-Skifano, BAS, CMA (AAMA)
Ruth Slater*
Helen Smith
Christine (Chris) Tondi, CMA (AAMA)
Carole Wieczorek, CMA-C (AAMA), CPC
Ina Yenerich, RT, CMA-AC (AAMA)
2004 - Marion Fleetwood, BS, LPN, CMA (AAMA)
2005 - Sara Baer, CMA (AAMA), CPC
2006 – Terri Gehr, CMA (AAMA)*
2007 – A. Ruth Thompson, CMA (AAMA) *
2008 – Rebecca (Becky) Cruse, CMA (AAMA)
2010 – Elizabeth (Liz) Hasler, CMA (AAMA)
2011 – Julie Stoffregen, CMA (AAMA)
2012 – Donna Radzun, CMA (AAMA)
2020 - Dianne Mowrer, CMA (AAMA)
2023 - Sharon Strutzenberg, MA, CMA (AAMA)
* Indicates Deceased Member
If no year listed, award was not granted.
ISMA Member of the Year Award
This award is given to a local chapter member who has shown outstanding dedication in the field of medical assisting.
1995 – Alma (Jean) Walsh *
1996 – Marion Fleetwood, BA, LPN, CMA (AAMA)
1997 – A. Ruth Thompson, CMA (AAMA) *
1998 – Carolyn Ott, CMA (AAMA) *
1999 - Cheryl Hutchinson, CMA (AAMA), CPC
2000 – Josie Trotter
2000 – Janet Rivero, CMA (AAMA)
2001 – Betty Carsten
2002 – Connie Clarner, CMA (AAMA)
2003 – Unknown
2004 – Rebecca (Becky) Cruse, CMA (AAMA)
2005 – Julie Stroffregen, CMA (AAMA)
2006 – Darlene Van Dyke, CMA (AAMA)
2007 – Betty Kronemeyer, CMA (AAMA)
2008 – Patricia (Patti) Bean, CMA (AAMA)
2010 – Charlotte Rubley, RN, CMA (AAMA)*
2011 – Rosemarie Ponce-Mancha
2012 – Kathleen (Kathy) Montieth, CMA (AAMA)
2014 – Howard Gunning, MS Ed, CMA (AAMA)
2016 - Donna Radzun, CMA (AAMA)
2020 - Sara Baer, CMA (AAMA), CPC
2023 - Beverly Brown, CMA (AAMA)
* Indicates Deceased Member
If year not listed, no award was granted